The Inclusive Markets Working Group (IMWG) kicked off its work in mid-June 2019, tasked to address the specificities of local and international markets to support the establishment of an enabling environment to attract investments in developing countries. In this context, the group considered blended finance a tool to accelerate inclusive sustainable market development, including the local financial market.
At the outset of its work, the IMWG agreed to investigate the following four areas of relevance to creating inclusive markets:
- Enabling Environment
- Local Capital Markets
- Mapping Inclusive Market Vehicles
- Early Stage Pipeline
This paper provides a brief overview of the preliminary findings of the IMWG. The members of the group fully realize that it has only been possible to scratch the surface of the issues discussed. This is due to the limited time and the voluntary nature of the group’s work, but it also reflects how the inclusive market development is a dynamic process in which the involved actors constantly must adjust to changing national and international circumstances. In light of this, the last section of the paper includes suggestions on themes that deserve further attention as the ecosystem around blended finance and inclusive markets evolves.